
Three Mistakes of fuel-efficient Renault CAN Clip

 Fuel-efficient Myth # 1
From the lower or raise the grade fuel can save money
In the refueling habit level, most likely to commit a misunderstanding 
Renault CAN Clip own lower grade fuel. The car was originally used 93 gasoline and switch 90 oil for fuel-efficient look throughout the year will save the cost of around $ planted a huge hidden dangers. The commonly referred 90,93,97 gasoline label, on behalf of the the actual gasoline antiknock standard gasoline antiknock ratio. Old driver all know, the higher the compression ratio, the better the need gasoline knock resistance, the higher the label. If high compression ratio engine using low grade gasoline will produce detonation accelerate the aging of the parts, the failure rate is greatly increased. 
Low compression ratio engine insist on using high-grade oil, as originally 93 but with 97, it may appear "ignition delay" phenomenon, that pressure to the head is still not up to the self-ignition point, as there will be incomplete combustion phenomenon, the engine is not something good. Therefore, in order to save money or keep a car to decrease or increase the fuel grade are not desirable.
Fuel-efficient Myth # 2
At night or early morning refueling the best deal
Strictly speaking this is not a misunderstanding, but the cognitive error. Many people think that the night or early morning refueling would be more cost-effective. According to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, a lower temperature at night, early morning gasoline volume is relatively small, so you can spend the same money of more oil. In fact, gas stations and oil storage pool in the ground and  
BMW GT1  there is a protective layer, so the gasoline the temperature not dramatic changes with the outside temperature, which fuel the error is extremely small and can be ignored.
Fuel-efficient Myth # 3
Fuel-efficient or fuel-efficient fuel-efficient, stickers
The rise in oil prices has brought a degree of concern for fuel-efficient products, but in the newspaper prior to the survey, some still advertised nm, infrared, microwave, electromagnetic and other types of fuel-efficient or fuel-efficient eco-labels or even the name of paste products difficult to obtain the trust of almost entirely no effect, some claim that 30% of the fuel-efficient products. Therefore, the purchase of fuel-efficient products need to be carefully chosen. For more information, be sure to look for the authentic national certification standards and the recommendations of the service station, if there is no obvious  
BMW GT1 DIS V57 SSS V41  symptoms of poor oil and too much coke, not too much.

