
Pay attention to late summer rainy season to clean car

Although a time before the beginning of autumn, the temperature in the south is still hot. Hot and rainy climate great damage on the car, especially suddenly encountered heavy rain, flooding more miserable. The owners are most concerned about now the problem has become how to deal with the vehicle "rainy season disease" and do maintenance.
To this end, the reporter visited Zhongshan few auto 4S shop summarize the owners keep a car for several high temperature during the rainy season of Road.
Rain car wash in a timely manner to protect paint
Many owners believe that the rainy dust on the surface of the vehicle after the rain washed away, eliminating the need for a car wash trouble. But the fact is, in the rain often contain acidic substances, the vehicle is the rain after a long time without cleaning, these acidic substances paint the appearance of bright film is etched away, let the paint become eclipsed.
Rain mixed with some invisible asphalt fines, dirt, dust, etc., are easily absorbed in the body paint. These dirt after sun exposure derived oxides, over time will leave indelible scars in the paint surface. Therefore, after the rain, vehicle cleaning work is more important than ever.
But insiders at the same time suggested that the car wash also have to go too far, one week up to three times. After all, vehicle cleaners contain corrosive elements, frequent washing will not only corrosion paintwork of the vehicle, more frequent cleaning may be your car paint scratches. As the summer strong ultraviolet radiation can damage paint, faithful car in the car wash best vehicle sealing glaze. This can not only reduce UV damage to vehicle paint, allow the vehicle paint looks very bright.
Frequently check the working condition of the wiper
Rainy weather, the wiper will be useful when in use for some time, but the rubber wiper blades prone to aging, hardening, and even cracks rain cleared not clean the front of blurry vision, often thus triggering the accident.
Do Wiper maintenance, the owner of the wiper switch placed the various speed at the position, to observe vibration wiper work and abnormal sound, check the status of the different speed wiper to maintain a certain speed wiper was observed, as well as the wiper rod whether there swing uneven or missing scratch phenomenon. If both a failure means that the wiper blades are damaged. Owners can slowly wiper pull up on the wiper blade with your fingers to touch, to check whether the rubber blade damage. If the leaf aging, hardening even cracks, it should be replaced.
Rainy day car dehumidification, sterilization is critical
Hot and rainy climate so that the air becomes moist, if irregularly dehumidification, confined space in the vehicle is likely to breed a variety of bacteria, thus affecting the health of the occupants. Therefore, the faithful car after the rain stopped immediately began dehumidification, sterilization work. When it rains, it is open to the cold air can not only remove the fog dehumidification function. Automotive interior cleaners, wipe with a dry cloth. If there is no cleaners, but also in a timely manner with a clean towel or paper towel to wipe the key parts to keep the car clean.
The most convenient way car dehumidification, find some cool and ventilated place, open the door, so that moisture can be completely ruled out of the car. Then remove the car Mats, Seat Covers, drying after cleaning. After the cleaning of carriages of the same can not ignore the need to put the items to remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner sucked, wipe clean cloth dipped in water or a cleaning agent directly after the car, to be the trunk dry and then replace items.
Insiders suggested that the owners have put a simple dehumidification box in the car, so the car is difficult to damp after overnight. If no dehumidification box, temporarily put a roll of toilet paper in the car can also play dehumidification effect.
In addition, after the rain, air conditioner out of the wind, there is often a surge of mildew smell to the air conditioning of the warm open to the maximum, take turns using a variety of wind patterns, probably blowing about 15 minutes. Air conditioning work, the outlet temperature of 40 ~ 50 ℃, can evaporate inside the hot flashes of air, so as to remove mildew odor.
Chassis sealed plastic to avoid rusting
Rainy day encounter muddy road vehicles is often the case, the chassis of the vehicle is the place off the ground, and sometimes may not be able to timely cleaning, resulting in vehicles under side of the gap at the easy accumulation of sludge, causing rust.
Car chassis rust to the professional automotive beauty shops to do the best for the chassis sealed plastic protection. Especially during the rainy season, muddy road surface will the chassis cause corrosion, sealed a layer of soft plastic can play a rust-proof, crash, Fangzao role. Allows automotive beauty shop to do a polymer rubber polymer in the the underbody coating layer about 5mm chassis rust treatment, rust effect can be kept for 3 months time.

