
How to make the car Digimaster 3 front window fog

How to prevent windows from fogging, experts for answers.The reason: in the case of certain Digimaster 3  air humidity, the window temperature lower than the dew point temperature, it will be formed on the window surface condensation, which is often, we see the front windshield fogging.Two reasons: in the window on both sides of a certain temperature, when the saturated vapor pressure of the low-temperature surface moisture is lower than the vapor pressure of the surrounding environment, moisture will be gathered to the glass surface, and dialyzed out in the form of tiny droplets formed mist .
If the dew point temperature is above zero degrees Celsius, the formation of fogging phenomenon; become frost if the dew point temperature is below zero degrees Celsius.Avoid window fogging Method:Method: spraying anti-fog, etc. Prevention Act. Little dehazers spray on the car windows, and then wipe clean, you can remove the glass windows on the dirt and scars. Polish the glass on the glass, forming a thin layer of a transparent protective film, it is possible to effectively prevent the mist formed by the 
GM Tech 2 condensation of water vapor on the glass layer, especially suitable for the cold winter. Can replace the the antifog agent there detergent, soap, glycerin, alcohol or saline waiting for then dry with a chamois or soft dry cloth to wipe the excess fiber within a few days, it can not guarantee car glass Mongolia on the fog.Method Two: air conditioning and refrigeration method. The use of air conditioning and refrigeration dehumidifying function, reduce the humidity of the air to remove the mist. Summer especially people into the car, no air conditioning, humidity exhaled gas, and soon the front windshield will fogging. The forward windshield then can turn on the air conditioning blowing cold air, the use of air conditioning dehumidification function, a slight mist on the front windshield can be removed. But if too much moisture, the use of air-conditioning effect is not obvious, you can slightly open a little window, so quickly to reduce the humidity of the cab. And air conditioning of course also be compatible with the use, the effect will be faster.Method three: air conditioning warm air law. By lowering the temperature difference method to remove the fogging. Winter and warm air to the glass blowing hot air, quickly raise the temperature of the  Ford Ids Vcm front glass, reducing the temperature difference between the inside and outside surfaces of window glass, available in a timely manner to prevent the front windshield too heavy mist, but a little clarification

