
The car Vas 5054a also special moment

Traffic safety is every driver friends and  Vas 5054a  family are very concerned about things, the saying goes, "a negligence of the driver, two lines of tears relatives, so that traffic safety is the first most important factors. A variety of drivers safe driving, sometimes the weather conditions, sometimes road conditions, sometimes the reasons or vehicle condition, here we provide you with a few suggestions for several special cases: a the pros and cons of driving car run-in of the run-in period, will the car life, safety and economy have an important impact, it can not be underestimated.  

Do the inspection and maintenance to improve the running-quality addition to the above mentioned cold start, driving should also pay attention to the following aspects of the problem: 1, the limit set out: a new car should not Lawton, the load factor should be less than 90%, and select flat road. Speed ​​limit: strictly enforce driving  Vas 5054a Interface  injury procedures, do not run too fast, must not be the the drill driving skills at this time, bolted rushing. 3, start slow, slow refueling slow brake, timely shift: avoid the emergency brake, otherwise not only will make the braking system has been hit hard in the run-in but will increase chassis shock load on the engine. 

 It was customary in the other car, hanging a step on the clutch to wait, or picked neutral also stepping on the clutch. This habit will cause the clutch long time in the state of wear. The break-in should be the vehicle is in motion, step by step, to the most low start, gradually add the high position, must not use high gears at low speed and high speed or low position. And Qinhuan stalls, not a long time to use a gear driving. 4, strict control of water temperature, and regular checks of the transmission, drive axle and wheels of temperature. In spring the lane Chunkun, led to car inattentive.

  The spring weather gets warmer, many people have the feeling of waking up, resulting in many drivers being inattentive, or even doze off while driving. Spring time of day becomes longer, the night time, the sleep time Vas 5054a Original Version   will be reduced accordingly, leading to lack of sleep at night, daytime sleepiness. And how to to prevention Chunkun it? First, adequate sleep is an important factor to ensure traffic safety. The lack of sleep is a major factor in causing fatigue.

