
How to do the opcom op com wheels always slip

To prevent wheel spin should first understand  opcom op com the reasons of skidding. The experts pointed out, the theory is caused by tires reduce the adhesion to the road, driving deviate from the direction of travel.

    The reason is due to the drivers to take measures misconduct, such as braking too accelerate too fast or direction of play too fast. Wheelspin in three ways: First, the rear wheel slippage causes the vehicle yaw road flick, this time, the driver can not control. Four-wheel skid,

    Four wheels locked because 
ford vcm ids  of the braking process can not be rotated. The front wheel slip, mostly occur in the detour or turn excessive speed, the road is too slippery.

First, the rear wheel slip phenomenon, is when the body of the latter part of slip, the experts recommended that the owners of a friend, regardless of the vehicle which direction to slip, this time to go to the slip direction of the steering wheel and remember do not brake gently all the action as possible.

Secondly, when four skid, the owners will feel the vehicle forward dash faster speed than usual. At this time we let the front wheel to find with fertility, the throttle, no brakes, tap the clutch, gentle all the action as possible. Vehicle slowly driving until the slipping phenomenon disappears.

In addition, encountered a front wheel skid, the steering wheel can not rotate the vehicle toward the front straight, until the collision obstacles when parking. Remember the rotation of the wheels, the steering wheel 
bmw ops  before rotating back to normal until the brakes repeatedly which makes the oil line to achieve the most effective state.

