
Parsing a common ten Maintenance gm tech2 Mistakes

Can save a dollar, equal to a dollar earned. For car owners, who can not spend the cost of  gm tech2  keeping a car is cleared out, truly "just on the knife's edge" is the last word.
1. Gasoline preference for high-grade
The only calibration parameters of gasoline antiknock ability gasoline label it with gasoline is clean and fuel-efficient are not necessarily linked. Grade of gasoline is not as high as possible, even luxury cars are not equal to the plus grade gasoline. Add any oil to follow the instructions on the oil standard automobile production plant will generally cover the inside of the fuel tank label recommended fuel grade.
Lubricants preference for the high-grade.
Lubricants is another big overhead car owners. Vehicle traveling 5000 kilometers basically need to be replaced. Many owners in the selection of lubricants, lubricant level (label) the higher the better, the more the better brand name. Fact lubricant should be selected according to the requirements of the engine, some popular cars, the use of domestic ordinary lubricants can, do not need to have to use imported high-grade lubricants.
3 car washing waxing too excessive
The excessive brightness would give the  
volvo vida dice    paintwork of the car washing waxing gradually degraded, usually waxing once a month will be enough.
4 insurance too over-
Some car owners to buy auto insurance, you will purchase excess insurance and underinsurance. Excess insurance, that insurance limit is higher than the actual value of the subject matter of the insurance, cars such as the purchase of a $ 12 million, the purchase price is $ 150,000, the insured amount of 300,000 yuan pilfer the event of a total loss, get compensation only 12 million.
Tire inflation limits
The tire pressure must be checked regularly, outside spare tire, other tire check at least two weeks time, tire pressure check is carried out in the case of tires cooled, otherwise the high temperature causes the tire pressure to rise, the amount of them are not allowed . But there is no need to over-inflated tires.
6 fuel tank fill
Many drivers think, fill up the fuel tank, will make the load increase, wasting gasoline. So, many people often do not fill. In fact, this is often not do cause the fuel tank in the upper part of the fuel pump fuel cooling, easy to heat burning. Need several hundred dollars to replace a fuel pump.
Antifreeze year threw 7.
General antifreeze replacement cycle for 2 to 3 years, or traveling 30000-40000 km. Some antifreeze storage after one year, there 
ford vcm ids will be a small amount of flocculent precipitate this phenomenon is mostly additive precipitation, do not have to throw away. If there is a large number of particles to settle, and that the antifreeze has changed, no longer used.
8 do-it-yourself
Change a tail light bulb, working hours costs 20 yuan! Some simple replacement, in fact, can be done. For example, air filter and wiper is the most affordable car parts, inspection and replacement of the two is very simple, and completely do-it-yourself replacement. In addition, in the supermarket to buy a glass of water, but also cheaper than the 4S shop. Bought and add your own, you can.

