
Principle of full grasp of automotive airbag

No one wants a car accident, everyone wants the day peace returned. But with the development of transportation, despite the travel more convenient, but also more security risks. When the major automobile manufacturers in the design models more consideration to the safety factors of the car, which is consumers would like to see and in line with market trends. The last straw as a car airbags role. The following, we are concerned that some of the wide range of automotive airbag.
The body passive security the auxiliary configuration, airbag increasing attention has been paid. When car collides with an obstacle, it is called a collision, collision crew and car components, called the secondary impact, the airbag in a collision, before the second collision quickly open a gas-filled cushion, so the crew due to inertia moves "flutter in the air cushion" thereby alleviating the crew have been hit and absorb the impact energy, reducing the degree of occupant injury.
The driver's seat, at the most, however, vice driver's seat, dual airbags, is often said. In some high-class models, front side airbags, front and rear head airbags, etc., in luxury models, the rear side airbags, front seat with knee airbags. The care of the passengers can be described as looking around all sides. But then a comprehensive security configuration, also need to drive carefully.
The principle of the structure of the airbag
Modern airbag system is provided by the crash sensor, buffer airbag, the gas generator and a control block (PC). . Wherein the control computer is the core, and is generally integrated in the microcomputer. When the car involved in a collision, the electronic control unit receives different locations of the body deceleration signal coming from multiple sensors, after repeated continuous analysis, comparison, calculation, and decide whether to issue an ignition signal. Request control means can very accurate judgments made in the complex case of collision, the ignition timing must be precisely controlled.
Old and new airbags distinction
The the old airbags disposable blasting, the sudden release of energy, will inevitably hurt the vehicle occupant. The new airbags Add scalable the inflatable or release of pressure device, to prevent a sudden point explosion generated enormous pressure on the human head injuries, particularly in the passenger not wearing a seat belt when. This is about the ignition of the rocket. Length booster pusher first combustion, and then burning the next.
Airbag release limited
In order to ensure the airbags opened at the appropriate time, the car manufacturers are provisions of the airbag detonation conditions, only to meet these conditions, the airbag will pop up. Come crashing in the number of traffic accidents, the vehicle occupant, even life-threatening, the vehicle close to retirement, but the explosive conditions amounted to less than the airbag, the airbag or not open.
The airbags Open need the right speed and impact angle. Theoretically, only the front of the vehicle of approximately 60 ° between the position of the impact on the stationary object, the speed is higher than 30km / h, when the airbag is only possible to open. The speed is not understood in the usual sense of the speed, but the speed of the collision of the vehicle relatively rigid fixed obstacles in the test chamber, the actual collision speed of the car is higher than the test speed airbag in order to open the mentioned here.
Note airbags
The airbag cause greater harm to children, so the children as much as possible not to take the passenger seat and must sit to close co-pilot front airbags. Some senior models equipped with pressure sensors under the seat, under pressure to determine the size and weight, which control airbag release or not to open, which is actually very advanced. Airbag is life, generally 10 years to be replaced, or the chemical composition failure, the airbag not open.
Passenger airbags in the top of the right side of the center console, do not put in here what items.
Otherwise, once the airbags work becomes slingshot. May be subject to greater harm. With airbags, even if the whole car has airbags, must wear a seat belt, the fixed pulling no seat belts, airbags can not play a bigger role. According to the survey, a separate airbag accident mortality rate can be reduced by about 18%, the use of seat belts alone accident mortality rate can be decreased by about 42%, while the accident mortality rate can be reduced by about 47% when the airbags and seat belts used in conjunction with . Shows that only the two complement each other to the maximum possible reduction accident mortality.
Airbag repairs
Now, a lot of car accident repairs like repair shop, because it's easy and cheap. But for the airbag, those cottage products are not only the quality is not guaranteed. And the process is also impossible to be so strict. This car of potential problems. Some repair shop disassembly and repair of the central sensor (or control computer), sensors, airbags, belt tensioners in the front of the car for re-use, in fact, this is not allowed.
So once the accident led to the airbag broke 4s shop maintenance plant or specified by the manufacturer, best to replace the airbag more secure. Many models also need to re-match on-board computer and the information code, so ordinary repair shop repair airbag there is a greater risk.

