
Auto Repair Expert advice: run-in period may not be good speed too slow...

Recently, Miss Chang drove her just to get a new car, traveling to 60 kilometers per hour on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen, Miss Chang said, because it is a new car, so the speed did not dare too fast. For a new car in the run-in period, whether to open the slower the better it? This professional repair master, said the new run-in period, is not open, the slower the better, and is necessary in a certain mileage or date to the 4S shop to do the first insurance.
Owners: the new car break-in period is not open too high speed
For owners who just bought a new car, the sales staff recommend their vehicle run-in period, the driving speed as much as possible not to exceed 80 kilometers per hour. So that many owners believe that the new run-in period, the speed should be set at about 60 km, never more than 80 kilometers.
Nancheng Miss Chang bought a new car, new car break-in period, when Miss Chang each time on Guangshengaosu, have been afraid to open to 80 kilometers per hour. Miss Chang said, afraid to open higher, would hurt the car. Miss Chang same East Side, Mr. Chung, he said, when he had just got the car, each run high-speed to 80 kilometers per hour, did not dare to open, for fear of the impact of fuel in the car after.
Yesterday, the reporter Guantai Road an American car showrooms also saw several owners in mentioning the car, the sales staff will recommend that owners must not open too high speed, new car break-in period, and this will affect later in pristine condition.
Saying in the industry: the run-in period may not be good speed too slow
Whether the slower speed of the new run-in period as possible, one in the garage after-sales maintenance of nearly a decade of experts Wei master told reporters, new car break-in period is a period of time, with the gap of the friction components grinding to a reasonable range, in order to achieve better lubrication.
If the run-in period of the engine speed is too low, the crankshaft connecting rod bearings to withstand the impact speed is too high cylinder wall is easy to strain, causing early wear and tear, so the run-in period should refer to the engine speed, not speed, the gasoline engine speed in 2000 to between 3000 rpm, the diesel engine is between 1000 to 2000 rpm.
However, automotive professionals put forward a different point of view, the new car technology is very precise, the run-in period is actually just a saying, often owners mention of the car, it is open to high-speed to pull to feel the car's performance and power will not necessarily hurt the car, and with the advances in modern technology, the quality of the car is better than before, so the new car there is no break-in period are not. Instead, some owners of the new car was very slow, relatively injury car, sometimes counterproductive, therefore, we can go up according to the instructions of the car you can perform.
In addition, auto repair staff to remind car owners manual says 3000 km when the mileage of the new car, or two months, remember to drive back to the 4S shop to do the first insurance, replace the oil and oil grid This will protect the engine, driving will be more at ease.

