
Choosing riority inorganic coating after a heavy rainstorm

Sometimes high temperature exposure, sometimes heavy rain dripping, so many of the vehicles parked in the outdoor parking lot owners may feel pity. Naked in the car outside the paint is the the car most vulnerable parts of the influence of the ambient temperature, sustained hot weather in July and August, Dongguan, Dongguan half month high temperatures, hot weather continues to appear likely to cause car paint surface oxidation, or fading, or a decline in gloss. Coupled with the Dongguan area affected by the typhoon, the city's heavy rains, the rain water mixed with dust in the air, and even acid rain, these factors have been infringed paint.
Dongguan area vehicle can be described as suffering from the torture of "冰火两重天", as car owners, the day-to-day how the paint conservation it? Recently, when a number of car dealers in the owners have to do maintenance, will recommend that owners in this weather coating, the coating is really useful to you? Have side effects? Owners who pay attention to what?
Phenomenon: car dealers the heat pushed coating maintenance business
After rainstorms wash after days of high temperatures, the owner of Chia-last weekend to wash car wash, washing cars acceptance Chia-body dull dull, and found that the paint surface scaly scratches close scrutiny. Happened to the car when the maintenance, Chia-drive the truck to the 4S shop maintenance, car dealers sales staff instantly lobbying Wu Jia for their car to do once coating. Before and there is no contact and understanding through the coating, Chia-use mobile Internet query about automotive coating results show that all coated how good and Wu Jia misgivings.
Coincidentally, the owner had Wai Keung recently to South City, a Japanese joint venture brand car dealers do routine maintenance, a company's after-sales staff told him that the vehicles by the effects of high temperatures and heavy rain, the paint will be damaged, the best at this stage to make a coating to the vehicle, and after-sales staff repeatedly emphasized how good coating had Wai Keung said think about it and do lobby unsuccessful after-sales staff looked very unhappy.
Doubt: automotive coating really hurt?
The South Link Dealers aftermarket responsible for human Cong, automotive coating in the true sense of the inorganic coating is not oxidized crystal glass coating. The inorganic coating coverage in the automobile surface coating layer does not disappear by external factors such as ultraviolet rays, acid rain, oxidation and single case of normal use of the vehicle, protect the paint as long as a year or so. The coating does not require high temperature curing in the roasted room, as long as the chemical reaction occurs, and the moisture in the air, and can be cured with silica as a main component of the crystal glass coating layer.
Generally, the coating step is relatively simple, the first car wash, and then polishing, the main purpose is to restore mirror. Then coated with raw materials first coating, played a backing role, naturally dried and then wipe the paint, then a second coating, starting to consolidate the coating effect. Then enter the infrared light baking stage, so that the depth of penetration of the coating products. Eight months later, then a second coating construction, the purpose is to consolidate the coating effect, this secondary jobs throughout the coating process which should include, if only in front of a coating, the whole process can not be considered the true sense of the coating.
Cong frankly, the coating has many advantages, but it is not without its drawbacks. The before coating granted to vehicle polishing, polishing machine and polishing process will still hurt the paint even the best. For example, the polishing will paint the most sturdy enamel paint worn, which is the physical level of the injury, car damage.
Reportedly, the coating agent through chemical reaction and paint together, penetrate to the paint internal reach to fill the voids between the paint molecules. The downside is that the destruction of the molecular layer of the original paint, once done open has to do to remain bright. Each do a coating, paint is worn away a layer thinner and thinner. Cong recommendations, two or three months or car wash should be about 10 times better to car wax to protect the paint.
Reminder: select inorganic coating, do not neglect the painting
Cong told reporters that a lot of coating products currently on the market are organic, it is noteworthy that the organic coating products not only paint protection, not persistent, but can also cause paint oxidation, the real automotive coating, inorganic coating, never LCD glass coating oxidation. So as to cover the automobile surface coating layer, not disappear by external factors such as ultraviolet rays, acid rain, oxidation and protect the paint up to 1 year or more. In addition, the coating of the construction environment there are certain requirements, must be independent construction operations (clean room), in order to maintain the finish absolutely clean. Coating demanding requirements of the construction process and tools, if you can not use a dedicated tool implemented in accordance with the process, it is difficult to achieve the perfect construction effects.
In view of the beauty shop coating products cut corners is serious, resulting the owners waste of time and money. Therefore, Cong proposal really need coating, be sure to choose a large chain of automotive beauty shop or 4S shop.
In addition, Cong told reporters injured, so will paint the car or car wash in everyday life accidentally leave scratches, this time its paint repair. Up painting to pick a qualification qualified professional paint factory or 4S shop, if not very skillful painters, there is no high-temperature dust-free paint shop, it is impossible to get the painting effect. Up painting when many owners would ask the technician to the car using the original paint, Cong disclose, in fact, simply could not exist original paint, original painting process needs to go through 200 ° C high temperature baking, if the fill paint also use this technology, the car will become "roasted sweet potatoes" up painting with paint is designed for low-temperature baking, generally at 60 ℃ -70 ℃, painted a prerequisite for a good working environment, car paint correction in place, as well as good construction techniques.

