
Summer Car Care Renault CAN Clip Tips

Summer high temperature hot weather, people in such temperatures, it is easy to heat stroke, while the car is the same, some of the use of  Renault CAN Clip frequent or heavy system load device is also prone to failure, so the driver friends summer car care tips must know Oh! high summer temperatures, with higher tire temperature, rubber easy to soften, there will be serious phenomenon of burning tires. Encountered in high-speed driving hard objects easily puncture. In the road should always check the tire pressure and found that the tire overheating, pressure is too high, you should park your car in the shade to cool unavailable poured cold water washed, and do not bleed, otherwise it will lead the way in the early puncture and tire damage.

 Hot weather driving, accelerate evaporation of water in the tank, check the cooling water should always pay attention, pay attention to water table. Found that water should be immediately stopped, but not immediately add water, but should complement other idling after cooling water, and be careful not immediately open the radiator cap to avoid being scalded. Always check the pump operating conditions and fan belt tension, fan belt can not be contaminated with oil to prevent the fan belt slipping. Always pay attention to the pump leaks, meanwhile, pay attention to the blinds open enough.

 As summer temperatures, the cooling rate is limited, slow moving cars on the way, the engine speed is high, cooling difficulties, prone to driving "vapor lock" and sometimes put out a few minutes pause engine difficult to start, so that the oil supply disruption. In the event of  Airbag Rücksteller  air resistance, the driver should immediately stop cooling, troubleshooting, if your car is a hydraulic braking at high speed driving, the brake fluid prone to air "vapor lock", making a sudden brake failure caused the accident.

 Car the first two years of life "peak period" can be said to be the best condition of the car when the equivalent of human adolescence. This period people full of passion, rhetoric ambition, daring dare, have used up the strength, it seems not tired. This period is also true car, excellent condition, as long as routine maintenance, basically there would be no problem, but the car is about to begin more than two years some of the most consumable replacement parts it. Therefore, manufacturers generally promise warranty for two years, largely because the new front for two years will not be any major quality problems.

Using two years later, the car began to enter the "Microsoft period." No longer as early as lively, energetic it. This period cars, require frequent replacement of some components, to replenish its energy.

       Brake pads: Auto Use two to three years will need to replace the brake pads. When a car to be repaired, first check its brake pads, brake pads are driving safety as the  Nissan Consult Diagnose Interface first line of defense. According to experience, the brake pads will wear in about two years to make, of course, may, depending on the exact use of the driver's habits. If you are the kind of pedal to the metal and slam on the brakes like a person, brake pads wear certainly more powerful, life will be more shorter.

