
Heating system should be careful NEXIQ 125032

Yesterday was the beginning of winter, which means winter is coming, this season is a period of use heaters, heating NEXIQ 125032  systems you the owner stopped using for a long period of time, therefore, suggest that the owner must first try their car heater system There is no failure, whether the normal operation of the fan, duct is smooth. Because, sometimes encounter warm water in the antifreeze long-term does not flow, condensation blocked the circulation line situation, although not affect traffic, but it is very troublesome to repair. It is therefore recommended to you as soon as possible to open the main car to the 4S shop or repair shop to do a heating system inspection.

In the winter, car, car owners should be careful to check the antifreeze. The amount of antifreeze must be appropriate antifreeze is generally recommended every two years for a change, but the mix (especially in summer plus over the water) antifreeze year must be replaced. Note that different brands do not mix different types of products, followed by oil, lubricating oil for cars in winter are higher, if you are using summer oil must be replaced, the use of a longer time, the color black, poor adhesion of the oil are should be replaced to ensure the engine starts smoothly.

Many owners prefer to own the car, "bath", such as improper cleaning, light oil will damage the outer part of the skin causes the car lost its luster, the best selection of neutral mild detergent, paint the surface of the sand grain, dirt cleaned. Finally, in tires, bumpers, wheel arches and other parts coated with a protective agent corresponding  GNA600   to aging.

We must first understand the characteristics of antifreeze can select the correct antifreeze. Usually the base fluid and antifreeze additives, basic solution of water and ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol component, additives include anti-rust agents, preservatives, pH adjusting agents, anti-foam agents and coloring agents. Species, the antifreeze concentrate and non-concentrate is generally divided into two kinds of non-concentrated antifreeze can not be diluted with water. Different brands and types of antifreeze applies different temperature. For example, Castrol motor insurance Kerry Series antifreeze into -46 ℃, -30 ℃ and -15 ℃ three kinds, layman's terms, this means that the three temperature minimum to withstand freezing temperatures, that is, at this temperature antifreeze only under the ice. Therefore, these three antifreeze can meet most of China's weather conditions and road conditions, vehicle owners can be based on location and environment, and to select the appropriate antifreeze, while this series of products do not require dilution, convenient owners directly, meet the engine antifreeze protection needs.

Currently on the market many types of antifreeze, without formal testing of products tend to have a strong corrosive, car cooling system is likely to cause damage, some antifreeze will flow into the tank corrosion perforation engine, causing more serious engine failure , so be sure to choose the regular brand of antifreeze. Owners in the selection and use of antifreeze, but also pay attention to the following points.

First, the different types of antifreeze can not be mixed, so as not to cause a chemical reaction to produce precipitation or air bubbles, reduce the effect. Secondly, since the preparation of the various types of antifreeze proportion, composition different from its freezing point is not the same, this time should be according to local TOYOTA K+CAN 2.0   temperature conditions to choose. In the north should choose a lower temperature tolerance antifreeze type, concentration should be maintained at about 70%; withstand temperatures in the south can choose a higher concentration should be maintained at 50% or so.

