
Winter steering wheel gm tech2 Candi cover should not be covered

Whether the steering wheel cover for drivers gm tech2 Candi which affect and harm it? According to the Traffic and Patrol Police, the low temperatures in winter, people's reactions and perceptual skills will decline to use the steering wheel cover increases the difficulty of manipulation of the drivers.

Followed by winter rain and snow, road icing phenomenon of multiple, steering wheel cover will reduce the friction between the steering wheel and hand in the event of rain, snow slippery, sharp turn in the road when the steering wheel is not easy to manipulate, and prone to control slide in dealing with the emergency situation is not conducive to safe disposal, the steering wheel is easy to sell, affect safety, causing the accident.

In addition, the driver can also through the vibration of the steering wheel to sense road conditions, especially in high-speed driving or sharp turn, can make emergency handling through steering wheel timely judgment. Hand steering wheel will use a steering wheel cover, to  
Vas 5054a Interface some extent, reduce friction, weakening the perception and judgment of drivers on the road conditions.

At the same time, the use of steering wheel cover very easy to let the steering wheel slip at the crucial moment. Especially for palm petite female owners, more is not suitable for thick steering wheel cover, otherwise it is difficult to fully grasp the steering wheel wear "clothes", thus affecting traffic safety. Traffic Patrol remind steering wheel cover increases driving risks, you should try to avoid the use of similar products.

Steering wheel cover of the biggest drawbacks is that slip, then they match exactly the product will have a certain impact on manipulation. Therefore, in the selection of the steering wheel cover to select the inside friction installed on not slipping.

Meanwhile, the surface of the steering wheel cover is not too slippery, such as the long-haired Material linen 
ADS-1S Scanner steering wheel cover, use slip not catch phenomenon is likely to occur. In addition, prior to use, you want to check steering wheel cover the surface of the work, to see if there is some hard lint or hard folds, so as not to scratch the palm of your hand.

