
Autumn maintenance of air conditioning is necessary

Main reason for the tire market is very tough, tire prices began to decline from March, May prices fell more obvious. Tire price, at about 10% lower than the same period last year. Tire prices The decline in the price of raw materials. "Sun Qimao City tire store manager told reporters.
The reporter learned from several tire stores and car decoration shop, tire sales this year than last year's decline, the rate of decline at least 10%, individual store sales decline of 30% to 50%. It is reported that in the first half of this year, the tire needs two leading indicators - the year-on-year growth rate of fixed asset investment and the highway passenger volume decline in the manufacturing index and the transport index more than a month at a low level, the transportation industry also appeared not busy season the condition of the car manufacturers sales is not very satisfactory, tire sales have had a certain impact. In addition, affected by the economic environment, the frequency of some enterprises and institutions to change the tire reduce, which also had an impact on sales of tires.
Mr. Chung told reporters, who has long been engaged in tire sales, tire market has experienced a downturn this year, individual small tire manufacturers has been discontinued, tire sales, particularly pressure. From a price point of view, the recent price of tires is not very clear, if raw material prices, tire prices may have risen throughout the tire market will also be in a recovery phase. At present, the lower the price of the tire, it is recommended that a replacement needs owners may wish at this time shot to be replaced, the replacement of four tires can save at least the last hundred or so.
Since since the beginning of autumn, the weather gradually cooler, the car owners who have automotive air conditioning sensational "leave". Many owners ignore automotive air conditioning maintenance, resulting in the unpleasant smell of automotive air conditioning does not work and other symptoms. In fact, in the fall of the automobile air conditioning maintenance is essential, only periodic testing and maintenance of the air conditioning system of the vehicle in order to ensure normal working when in use. To this end, the reporter interviewed industry experts, to provide some scientific advice on how to use and maintenance of automotive air conditioning for the fall, the majority of owners who may wish to look at.
The evaporating tank and the condenser should be conservation
"Recently, the car always smelled musty smell, but do not know what to 4S shop inspection after the discovery of automotive air conditioning problems." Owners Ms. Zhang told reporters. In fact, the car appeared musty mostly due to the evaporation tank and air-conditioning system condenser made improper maintenance, then how to deal with it? Onslaught of manager of an auto repair service company in Changchun City, said, this situation is mainly due to the evaporation tank water for a long time can not be volatile, the breeding ground for bacteria due. In fact, to avoid this problem is very simple. First of all, the weather is not hot when the windows on both sides of the vehicle roll down, multi-car window ventilation to maintain the freshness of the air inside the vehicle. Second, the normal air conditioning running, before approaching the destination refrigeration pump switched off, but keep the air supply function turned on, so that the natural wind drying the evaporation box of water. More rain in summer, cars often traveling in some wading the road will lead to the lower part of the air conditioning condenser contaminated with silt over time will make the condenser rust, thus shortening the life of the air-conditioned. It is worth recalling that the cleaning careful not knocked over the condenser fins, but can not damage pipe.
Timely cleaning and replacement of the air conditioning filter
Good mainly depends on the quality of air conditioning to the air conditioning filter, so their regular cleaning and periodic replacement. It is understood that, under normal circumstances, every 5,000 km or 3 months on the air conditioning filter once clean every 20,000 km or 12 months to replace the air conditioning filter. Conservation on the air conditioning filter, the Guangqi Toyota (microblogging) into state 4S shop after-sales service Front Desk Supervisor Liu Ying, to the air-conditioning filter car air conditioning air inlet filter, if it is not cleaned for a long time, dust attached above With the air conditioning turned on and blown into the car. Recommends that owners in the summer and fall alternately select the air conditioning filter cleaning and replacement, its working procedure is very simple, as long as the filter out, can spray wash with water cannons and disinfection machine.
Air conditioning pipe cleaning can not be ignored
Air conditioning pipe cleaning is a very important job, because of the dry weather in autumn, plus summer high frequency use air conditioning, breeding and deposition of dirt, dust, bacteria will be in the air conditioning pipe. If not promptly cleaned up, it will cause the air conditioning cooling effect, a small amount of wind and other issues, even the air-conditioning system failure. Liu Ying said, under normal circumstances, you can use the dedicated air conditioning, cleaning agents, air conditioning pipe cleaning after the vehicle is started, open the air inlet air volume to maximum temperature to the minimum; air conditioning, cleaning agents from the air inlet into the the internal pipeline; After about 20 minutes, air-conditioning piping dirt can be discharged from the outfall.

