
The female owners how to repair car

Simple car wash: the way to fitness

They say girls the beauty love tall, perennial drove lack of exercise, and also easy to make the body out of shape. Here was recommended by one of the best sports of all female owner - car wash. Splashing water, wipe Series car washing action is very obvious body movement, body heat consumption is no less jogging. General car wash takes about half an hour, at this moment, the female owner can already get enough exercise time.

Create a warm and clean interior:

Many ladies love clean characteristics. Ms. cleaning the interior space, the job is very simple, In addition to the car seat, seat cover, more frequent cleaning vent, dashboard Storage compartment health corners, at the same time to learn to use specialized interior cleaning agent on the manipulation disinfection units, doors and other parts clean. Periodically clean the interior, improve the health of the car can easily create a warm, fresh feeling for the car the car.

The small complement paintwork: against ugly scratches

The female owner of a car, most likely to damage the paint. General small scratches, paint surface injuries generally do not have to touch-up painting. But most of the female owner exquisite, from the money point of view, some minor scratches, use a little touch-up painting pen point what you can.

Plus glass of water: the recipe can also DIY

Add a glass of water for the car easy ways to help add car wash shop or repair plant commissioned. In fact, this job does not have the difficulty of the female owner can own deployment of suitable glass of water, then add their own. Glass of water can usually detergent diluted own DIY alternative, just need to follow the manual instructions, filling can, in fact, there is no technical content

