
Fall nissan consult 3 maintenance can not be ignored

Automotive air conditioning to be maintained

nissan consult 3 air conditioning service life, largely depends on the daily maintenance. The summer high frequency air conditioning, air conditioning blower duct, etc. will be attached to a lot of dust, bacteria and other dirt, very easy to breed bacteria and emit odors, harmful to the skin and respiratory system of the human body. If not promptly cleaned up, it will cause the air conditioning cooling effect, a small amount of wind and other issues, but also other air-conditioning system failure.

Typically, for every 5,000 km or 3 months to clean air conditioning filter every 20,000 km or 12 months to replace the air conditioning filter. Therefore, Cong remind owners to late autumn season must promptly clean or replace the air conditioning filter, in order to protect the car owners and car "double safety".

Change the antifreeze to be timely

Reporter visited Dongguan, a number of 4S shop sale office learned that late autumn weather turns cooler,  X-431 Diagun  antifreeze must be promptly replaced. Some owners prefer to use tap water instead of antifreeze in the summer, this approach is very undesirable. Climate becoming cooler autumn, if you can not be more

Change a car dedicated antifreeze once encountered a sudden drop in temperature weather, there is likely to affect the normal working of the automotive cooling system.

Cong told reporters that most of the use of the automobile antifreeze cycle for two years, if the owner is in the summer is antifreeze, as long as it does not exceed the period of use, do not rush to replace. If you are using tap water, you will need to be replaced immediately. Replace the antifreeze, be sure to clean the cooling system of a car engine.


