
100,000 yuan own compact-class car elm327 recommended

100,000 yuan car usually many elm327  ordinary families psychological level, look at the market now, only buy the basic entry model of a new joint venture car or over gas concessions old models. The change to a more cost-effective autonomous vehicle then spend 10 million not to mention the purchase on the card insurance can get together, autonomous vehicle say now is not just cheap plus a large space, in terms of technology and quality progress Do not always look at things, the following is said 100,000 yuan can successfully won several independent class A models.

100,000 yuan car usually many ordinary families psychological level, look at the market now, only buy the basic entry model of a new joint venture car or over gas concessions old models. The change to a more cost-effective autonomous vehicle then spend 10 million not to mention the purchase on the card insurance can get together, autonomous  renault can clip v120 vehicle say now is not just cheap plus a large space, in terms of technology and quality progress Do not always look at things, the following is said 100,000 yuan can successfully won several independent class A models. The two-tone interior style is consistent with the trend of the times, selected materials the same hard plastic-based, but a good texture processing complex and meticulous workmanship weakened sense of cheap car.

Configuration, 630 Po Chun comfortable place, to 85,800 yuan 2012, 1.5L DVVT, automatic elite, for example, electric sunroof, leather seats, multifunction steering wheel are all available. Basically you can use to common functions in. The security measures are very general, but has dual airbags, ABS + EBD basic configurations. We all get down this 6AT models can handle 100,000 yuan, cost is not really the same level renault can clip scanner of the joint venture can rival opponents.


