
Test drive the new Dongfeng Fengshen S30 Autel MaxiDAS DS708

The so-called "coordination", mainly from the   Autel MaxiDAS DS708   rationality of the new models in the design. To tell the truth, I am the first Fengshen S30 is not satisfied with the the seemingly arrogant mouth but did not get very good support, whole and not enough very pleasing to the eye. Although the post-change models to strengthen the language, but not a family car should have the mental outlook is still a bit uncoordinated.

To see the 2013 Fengshen S30, including the shadow of the new Jetta, Excelle, Elysee flashed into my mind, but a closer look new Fengshen S30, but did not find too many signs of alien, on the whole has sufficient with era, and in a more coordinated, did not give up to keep the original Fengshen S30 more "sharp" style, it seems that new Fengshen S30 in the design can already make me satisfied.

Good initial impression is really capable of giving a favorable impression, so I will not to care about the high body to bring some 
ds708 scanner   sense of thin, this is, after all, from the prototype car "inherited" from the style, and not a drawback. Dongfeng Fengshen S30 tail in the "strengthening" of the style, there is a sense that the expansion of the original design, with a more eye-catching element to display the changes of which we could accept, after all, at this level box car, new Fengshen S30 tail has been regarded as beautiful.

Perhaps more satisfied with Dongfeng Fengshen S30 interior design, so even if the shape of the whole in a different style, and the interior to maintain the shape of the existing Fengshen S30. However, in order to reflect the "new" new ideas, the main factory is in the details Fengshen S30 upgrade. Including interior decoration shall be changed to piano paint technology, joined the two C-type steering wheel plating bar and piano decoration, these details Fengshen S30 internal upgrade does make more beautiful.

For the price of its own brand, Fengshen S30 is considered a pretty good design sense, although the details of the work 
MaxiDAS DS708  there is still room for improvement, but has to be regarded as a higher standard in its class, after all, there are many own-brand models reach Fengshen S30 standard.

