
Interior environment disaster from the piece of V-checker V301 damping

Compared to narrow a closed car, outside the  V-checker V301  car environment in most cases to be good in the car, so long as it is not encountered PM2.5 burst the weather, we still recommend owners to set aside some window of time, to help the car ventilation, if your car has a sunroof (this configuration domestic consumers are very concerned about), slightly open or "tilt", which is enough to make the interior environment has changed greatly.

Almost every air-conditioned cars have "inner loop" and "outer loop" switching function, whether it is a manual lever or button to select the utility. We recommend that in winter and summer just start the vehicle when an urgent need to regulate the temperature inside the car can select the "inner loop", because it improves the efficiency of the air conditioning or heating, so as to achieve as soon as possible to obtain a temperature support role, and the right temperature after that, we recommend that you try to switch to the "outer loop"

May be a driving trip environment  
MaxiVideo MV101   inside the car does not make much of a burden, but passengers in the car, once more, small and crowded, then the filtering action of the air conditioning system will be very weak, can not carry the role of air filter car visceral, more so when the "outer loop". Including advance replacement air filter cleaning duct; car air purifier is also a good way, this depends on the specific grade of the purifier and efficacy; while some so-called "air fresheners and other chemical agents, we is not recommended in the car, because no way of knowing if it is safe.

Continue, the problem of odor in the car, the heat source is naturally "damping sheet", originally set in the material between the bottom of the vehicle and the seat cushion for damping and soundproofing. Since most cars within three German luxury car brand has a piece of asphalt material damping, CCTV and other media "exposure" by the attention, now there are many consumers that the 
Seat Occupation Detector Sensor Emulator  damping plate is the car the main reason for the smell.

