
Driving attention to protect the spring driving Vas 5054a safety

 Spring, warm weather often makes people  Vas 5054a  feel lazy, even though plenty of sleep at night, still drowsy during the day. The driver of the car, especially the often long distances easier to fall asleep in this season. Therefore, the spring traveling by car, be sure to note the following:

Driving less air conditioning. The air conditioning could easily lead to a lack of oxygen inside the vehicle, leading to cerebral hypoxia and reduce the degree of alertness. You can open the window slits ventilation, or placed in the car with floral scent of perfume, help refreshing.

2 Do not smoke in the car. Smoke contains nicotine and carbon monoxide, the early excitatory effects on the nervous system, from the late inhibition, the decline of people's attention and memory. Carbon monoxide combined with the hemoglobin in red blood cells, reduce the red blood cells of normal oxygen capacity, due to lack of oxygen caused by the human body sleepy.

Do not with the help of coffee or tea refreshing. Coffee and tea can only bring the excitement of the moment, but can not you clearly 
Vas 5054a Interface   observe the road, to make the right response, and after a short-lived excited state is sustained suppression of.

Car drowsiness shall rest. General, each driving two hours should stop activities, do some deep breathing. Such as during driving feel tired, do not Qiangdajingshen the driving, be sure to stop to rest, get off the road again about the body to ensure road safety.

5 diet swap. Spring germinal yang, XinGan of the goods helps Sun, warm food helps guard Yang, ginger, onions, leeks should be moderate eating, green and yellow vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower should eat. In addition, before driving it is best not to eat lots of milk, bananas, lettuce, fat and alcoholic foods (such as bonbon, etc.). Such food easily gives rise to fatigue or cause significant sleepiness, fatigue, and a soporific effect.

6. Maintain adequate sleep time. To maintain normal pace of life, avoid excessive nightlife, not to entertainment through the night, also should not be too much to burn the midnight oil, so as not to induce or aggravate Chunkun. According to  
MaxiDAS DS708  statistics, 60% of drivers in accidents caused by fatigue, less than 3.5 hours of sleep a day.

