
The car startup difficulties to how to solve

Car difficult to start how to do? Low winter opel tech2  temperatures, improper vehicle maintenance will be easier to make it the slack even "dormant", the owner of the car to regular inspection and maintenance to ensure that it normally effective to reduce the occurrence of failure . Some parts of the vehicle's performance might be disturbed, thus affecting the normal use of the vehicle. The most common is the car ignition difficulties, bad start in the winter morning. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, automotive website Daquan recommend that owners when such issues do not blindly take response measures, the first thing to do is to find the cause of the failures, the right remedy.
Battery power is low
Power consumption of the car at low temperatures will be significantly greater than in other seasons, the battery will become lower capacitance because of the low-temperature environment. The owners of the use of vehicles to regularly check the battery power is sufficient to prevent the lack of electricity and can not start.
Solution: low-temperature state power consumption was large, the best flameout owners if outside person or long-stay parking blowing warm air and do not listen to music in the car, or they may lead to battery power loss, so that the vehicle can not be started . If the battery is often in a power shortage or power consumption faster
opcom op com   a vehicle in a timely manner to the specialty stores the supplementary charge the battery, or replace the new battery.
Oil flow is blocked
Vehicle at a low temperature environment, it is easy to make the oil flow is blocked when placed one night, the viscosity of the oil increases, resulting in a cold start problems, owners of the best car hot car in the morning, in order to improve temperature, so that the normal flow of oil, to reduce the resistance of the engine to achieve the normal lubrication. In addition to the hot car, choose a dedicated oil is also very important, owners must be replaced by a suitable oil in cold areas, otherwise freeze occurs once caused trouble.
Replace the spark plug in a timely manner
Should first check the spark plug. Performance is good or bad because of the spark plug, the relationship between the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.
Solution: car owners check whether the spark plugs need to be replaced, mainly look at the color of the burn, electrode gap, porcelain body with metal shell gap leaks. In addition, if the owner found the car start in the state of cool cars more difficult, the line
The car obvious sense of frustration, or engine acceleration performance degradation should check the spark plug in a timely manner.
Exhaust pipes freeze
Some vehicle owners usually travel to work, while the relatively close distance units and home vehicles to use low frequency, long time are not fully utilized, it is prone to the exhaust pipe freeze. This is because of the low temperatures 
ford vcm ids  in winter, after the combustion of water droplets condense on the exhaust pipe, after parking frozen short distance traveling and not enough to make it to melt, and so on ad infinitum will have forged more of ice to affect the automotive exhaust.

