
20-25 million SUV / sedan Ds 708 recommended

As the currently most popular models, the SUV Ds 708 category is now more and more widely, and is accompanied by the introduction of a variety of cross-border concept, as well as more and more of the SUV in order to tilt to the urbanization, the gradual loss of the SUV's biggest advantage - through sexual boundaries between SUV and sedan can be described as increasingly blurred. This is indeed convenient manufacturers can cost-sharing platform; but brought great trouble to the consumer in choosing cars on us the official Bo and micro letter asked the price up to about 20-25 million , a lot of people not only like a broader vision of the SUV, and a large space, but no less than give up the the traditional concept sedan Chevrolet comfort and give people a sense of the kind of steady.
Advantages of cars:
. Sedan chassis lower body stability in the process of moving would be better, this was the most significant single in the corners.2. SUV reasons in some aspects of the wind resistance, vehicle weight, the sedan general performance of the fuel consumption would be better than SUV.After all, the SUV is a model  
Autocom   in recent years before the rise of the conservative Chinese people in some of the more formal occasions, SUV still no sedan midsize sedan appears to be as serious and formal.
SUV's advantages:
1.SUV chassis than ordinary cars (there are a few exceptions), so in some non-paved road or poor road through sex is better than the sedan.Generally the SUV all have higher sitting SUV vision than ordinary cars open a lot of the kind of pride in that and to overlooking other cars on the road, the owners of the cars is not experience.Although collision achievements can be high, but because of the higher chassis, so the actual collision occurred when (especially as drilling trucks belly this) equal order of magnitude due to the location of the collision beam energy absorption structure collision of the passengers in the car, SUV injury is generally better than the sedan.
Although many people are on the new "Aston Mondeo" looking forward to the extreme, but for the hands with a budget of 200,000 consumers, the new Mondeo estimate a long time to have to wait several price cuts. Small 
NEXIQ 125032 or very recommend this Mondeo - winning, equipped with 2.0T engine is very violent, regardless of appearance or power has been able to match exactly on the sporty Chevrolet this title.

