
Reiz VS Platinum Rui Si car cost opel tech2 comparison

In the domestic car market, the 20 million level  opel tech2   after the drive has no second choice I am afraid that in addition to the Reiz, Reiz buyers are directed to the rear-wheel drive, rear drive but also pay attention to driving skills, and more fun to drive, inherently kind of a strong sense of superiority. Until the emergence of the Platinum Rui Si, Reiz encountered a strong opponent.
Manipulation, Reiz and Platinum Rui Si are the leader in the mid-sized car, the relative market performance, we need to understand how the costs of the car? Who talents who wins and Bibi will know. The cost of the use of two vehicles are concentrated in insurance and fuel costs. An everyday car, most of the owners may not be within two years traveling twenty thousand kilometers, it may not have purchased eight full insurance, plus usually less car wash owners journey less better save a lot of money. The above two charts show an idealized car costs, but in fact most of the owners of the car costs less.
Typically, the cost of keeping a car = vehicle use tax + daily maintenance fee + crossing the bridge and parking fees + unforeseen expenses + on the licensing examination fees + insurance + the conventional maintenance costs + fuel costs
1 vehicle use tax:
The amount of the provinces and cities 
opcom op com  are not consistent, Beijing 480 yuan / year, for example, two years, a total of 960 yuan.
2, the day-to-day maintenance costs:
Under normal circumstances, the new car a month car wash 3 times; while new car do not repurchased within six months after waxing, an annual average of 3 times waxing. In accordance with the average car wash price 100 yuan 15 yuan each and waxing. Two years, the total cost of = normal car wash costs + waxing cost = 3 * 24 * 15 +100 * 6 = 1680.
3, crossing the bridge and parking fees:
Bridge crossing pattern changes in parking fees to $ 200 a month for example, two years, a total of 4800 yuan.

