
The automotive antifreeze Note freezing point Tacho Pro

Wiper into high gear
Autumn rain, the wipers are frequently used. Gum,
Tacho Pro   bird droppings and of poorer quality glass water tend to make damage to the wiper blades. The cooler weather after the winter will accelerate the aging of the rubber wiper blades, a direct result of the glass windshield cleaning effect of variation affect driving safety. So you can check their own work the effect of the wiper blades, are aging or unable to achieve the cleaning effect, can be considered to be replaced.

In addition, cold weather, low temperatures occur hoarfrost, in this season, you should pay special attention to the front windshield defroster vent out of the wind is normal, the heat is enough, if there is a problem to solve.
Note that the brake fluid is enough amount, should be timely refilling or replacement. Brake or without weakening deviation should always check whether there are changes in the brake pedal pedaling efforts, if necessary, to clean up the entire brake system piping part.
Antifreeze Note freezing point
Antifreeze is the most important one for winter car, after the summer and autumn, the consumption of antifreeze usually great. Before the water or antifreeze deterioration phenomenon to be replaced as soon as possible. We can also the 4S store antifreeze freezing point, the  
 VAG-Com proportion of checking vehicles for the North, it is best to choose the freezing point of minus 35 ℃ antifreeze products must not be below minus 20 ° C. If the freezing point is too high not to play antifreeze efficacy.

Prevention battery "strike"
The cooler weather, constitute a considerable threat to the vehicle battery. Parking stall, do not forget to turn off the lights inside the car, because the battery after a night of consumption, at any time may not have electricity, can not start the car. In addition, try not to be used when the vehicle does not start the electrical equipment of the CD, cigarette lighter, use less variety of automotive electrical driving the process.
Generally near the end of life of the battery, the owner can make a difference in driving feel, such as car park a few days to beat the fire, fuel consumption increased car Shen obvious.
Belt wear and need to be replaced
Belt checks can not be ignored, if there is a slip phenomenon of fracture, loss of function causes the associated 
 toyota id4c key  auxiliary equipment. Old belt is badly worn, so that the sharp drop in the contact area of ​​the belt and pulley. Then as long as the force of a pressure belt, belt deeply sinking into the groove of the pulley. The belt rubber there is a problem of aging, if the belt rubber is aging and must be promptly replaced with a new belt.

