
Maintaining vehicle AUTOCOM CDP Pro security six taboo

A bogey in unventilated garage run the engine  AUTOCOM CDP Pro  for a long time. The engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a toxic gas which is a kind of invisible and smell vain. A long time at a low concentration of carbon monoxide gas, can cause headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, physically weak and dizzy, mental confusion and other symptoms, and even brain damage. Start the engine in the garage, should the garage door open or open exhaust devices, in order to keep the exhaust garage. Even open-air operations, and do not stay long in the work of the engine near the exhaust pipe.

Hanged mouth suction tube. Gasoline is not only flammable and explosive, and toxic. Leaded gasoline will damage the human nervous system, the digestive tract and kidneys. Further, the gasoline further contains a high concentration of sulfide, and also have some toxicity due to hydrogen sulfide, the gasoline inhalation stomach, cause poisoning or death. In case of inhalation, should be forced vomiting and in a timely manner to the hospital for treatment.
Third, avoid stained carburetor cleaner. Methyl chloride, most of the carburetor in the cleaning agent contains aromatic and ethanol, these substances have a certain degree of toxicity, and thus these substances are inhaled to intranasal or splashing on the skin and eyes, are very dangerous .
Fourth, avoid mechanical damage. Associated with all aspects of car maintenance, during the maintenance operation, job  
 Volvo PROSIS  flag should be set to prevent the misuse of other people hurt. Should pay attention to when you start the car, the transmission gear to prevent car malfunction wounding. Work under the hood, the others should be allowed to leave the cab to prevent the engine suddenly rotation or others operated control and cause injury. If you need to operate under the car, should be set to the obvious signs and car cover car wooden mask. Jack support car jack placed smooth. Ready before driving driving the tool (driving stool), with bricks and other fragile objects. When the assembly is installed, do not hand tentatively screw holes, keyhole, etc. to avoid rolling off the fingers. Test when the engine is not operating under the car.

V. Bogey fire. Vehicle maintenance, often need to use oil, cleaning agents flammable, explosive materials, and do not forget the fire fighting measures, ready to fire extinguishers, just in case. Do not smoke near the fuel tank and battery, because the tank escape combustible gas and battery escaping hydrogen is easily ignited.
Six, bogey burns. Just turn off the engine, due to the various parts of the engine (water tank, exhaust pipes, power steering tank and plugs) higher temperature, care must be taken to contact to prevent burns. If the engine temperature is high, do not 
SI-Reset BMW   remove the radiator cap or loosen the drain switch, to prevent burns.

