
Platinum Rui Si facelift real Lexia-3

In fact, this movement of Platinum  Lexia-3    Rui Si Chevrolet is not selling in the domestic market, it is evident from hundreds of 4,5 million cash decline. Drive way from the point of view, the pre-precursor apparently inside the sports world is "inherent"; see from the price, the entry price of 237,800 is somewhat confident overdone. The most simple truth has been Platinum Rui Si is not hot, then facelifted Platinum Rui Si is the need to do something.

Platinum Rui Si is not high visibility on the street, it is believed that the appearance of the car is still very familiar. Overall speechless very eye-catching, thinking platinum Core gas field or, in particular, like the Acura logo, this service has also become a means of business promotion.

Admittedly, Platinum Rui Si has an Acura expensive phase, but on the figure, Platinum Rui Si and competing products is so tall. In contrast, the Platinum Rui Si only have some advantages in width. The front face of the new Platinum Rui Si and Acura TSX still remain "  volvo vida dice   Acura TSX. The new front face of the deletion of the bars, feeling more concise. X-new front styling and new fog lamps really enhance the gas field, and from that point of view, I prefer the new.

Platinum Rui Si headlight styling is very sharp pair the TSX of "loyalty". Functionally speaking, this headlights have a level of automatic adjustment and headlight cleaning function, that has often been raised Xenon headlamps equipped with. Side of the line continuation of the basic cash before the low after the high momentum subduction, more engaging. And the tail is as before face a echo more obvious details change.


