
How to reduce the cost of LED Vetronix Tech 2

With the launch of various high-tech new  Vetronix Tech 2  models in recent years reflected, it was discovered that the car's configuration more dazzle, more eye-catching. But, slowly, many owners began to discover that these high-tech products led to the skyrocketing cost of automotive repairs. In recent years, the most popular LED lights is a typical example. Many owners south, told reporters that they have new models with LED light design, but using about two years later, after the lamp has been burned, even to the accessories market can not buy a single bulb replacement, replaced by a need to replace the entire assembly , the replacement cost of up to 1,000 yuan. Brings high-tech maintenance costs, so that some owners had to use some extreme potentially fraudulent practices in order to reduce their maintenance costs.

New Crown owner Mr. Wang have the same experience. His use of a vehicle more than a year, but in a few days ago the steering light bulb burned, he was ready for replacement repair shop only to be told that the car is now equipped with LED lights, like the older models did not take a separate approach to replace the lamp, in addition to replace the entire assembly, no choice. Replace Crown LED lamp assembly costs, non-4S shops offer have been more than 1000 yuan, and if the Crown older models encountered the BMW Key Programmer   same fault, you only need to replace the lamp alone, the cost is only tens of dollars.

Automotive lighting systems maintenance expert Dai briefed reporters, including lighting systems, including auto parts manufacturing design concept, has formed more and more difficult to partial replacement parts, frequently need to replace the entire assembly of the trend. Therefore, the supply of spare parts on the market will be moving vehicle plant maintenance solutions evolve.

Used with the old car compared to traditional bulbs, LED lamps have a long life, lighting effects better and look more attractive advantages. As the automotive headlamp is in use, a large amount of heat emitted, causing the surrounding temperature is high, and the heat is not very fast. The LE D light show wide car made of normal operating temperature is below 60 ℃, when the temperature exceeds 60 ℃ after, LED work becomes less stable. Therefore, the impact of LED car lighting efficiency and lifetime of the biggest factors is the temperature, so if the headlamp surrounding temperature exceeds a certain temperature, LED burn easily, and sometimes even the base of LED lights burn directly dissolved. Using LED lights for most vehicles, if the diode is even more serious damage direct replacement assembly. Therefore, the thermal conductivity is recommended to select a good LED light show wide. Moreover, the use of LED lights, if not all bright lights, can be reached at fault light affect the results in the case, and then the entire assembly to be replaced, which will minimize maintenance costs.

Some dissatisfaction with the  Launch X431 Scanner skyrocketing cost of replacement LED lights owners, it is passed on by other means their maintenance costs. Tam privately told reporters, because dissatisfaction replacement LED lamp assembly too expensive, he had to stop in the area, the "accidental" collision occurred through the dangerous condition of the insurance company, which will transfer the cost of these expensive repairs to the other party

