
Maintenance measures to be taken Ford VCM IDS under the condition

Although the car is a steel building, no flesh and blood, but also with the life and health of people is almost the same  Ford VCM IDS  with a "life cycle." At different times of the car, his "physical condition" There is a big difference. I put the car's life cycle roughly divided into "peak period", "Microsoft" period, "menopause", "twilight period" and "dangerous period" five stages. The five stages of car maintenance, repair focus also varies, you can according to their stage of life in which the car to take the appropriate "care" measure.

Car the first two years of life "peak period" can be said to be the best condition of the car when the equivalent of human adolescence. This period people full of passion, rhetoric ambition, daring dare, have used up the strength, it seems not tired. This period is also true car, excellent condition, as long as routine maintenance, basically there would be no problem, but the car is about to begin more than two years some of the most consumable replacement parts it. Therefore, manufacturers generally promise warranty for two years, largely because the new front for two years will not be any major quality problems.

  Using two years later, the car began  Ford VCM IDS Diagnosesystem to enter the "Microsoft period." No longer as early as lively, energetic it. This period cars, require frequent replacement of some components, to replenish its energy. Brake pads: Auto Use two to three years will need to replace the brake pads. When a car to be repaired, first check its brake pads, brake pads are driving safety as the first line of defense. According to experience, the brake pads will wear in about two years to make, of course, may, depending on the exact use of the driver's habits. If you are the kind of pedal to the metal and slam on the brakes like a person, brake pads wear certainly more powerful, life will be more shorter.

Shock Absorber: Automotive to 2034 when the car ran so smoothly it may not, in which case, you should check the car's shock absorbers. The role of shock absorber is to reduce vehicle vibration, which is part of the suspension system, if the damper spring is no longer elastic, at high speeds will shake badly, rainy days are particularly dangerous. Spend 4-6 years of automotive, they entered the "menopause." Just as  Ford VCM IDS im Angebot people enter the "menopause" Love temper, like in the "menopause" car, point out the problem is a common practice, because the car's many components are beginning to aging, from time to oil spills, leaks, small problems is endless. But this period of the car, if maintained, from the appearance or "bright water slide." Some savvy owners would take advantage of this period began transfer, this time a car either a better price, but also those upcoming issues all training and preparation to others.

