
What is the technical suspension

Air Suspension (Air suspension), commonly known as "air shock, an active suspension is developed in 1960s. Suspension stiffness and damping can change according to the driving conditions of the car (the state of motion of the vehicle and road conditions, and load, etc.) and dynamic adaptive adjustment of the suspension system is always in the best damping state. For example, the high-speed driving suspension can harden, to improve vehicle stability, low speed for long periods of time, the control unit will think through bumpy roads, the suspension softened to improve ride comfort. 
As we all know, the core components of the suspension shock springs and shock absorbers. The air suspension is also no exception, gas springs and adjustable damping shock absorbers make up the main body of the air suspension. First introduce the gas spring, the gas spring is in a sealed container into the compressed gas, the use of the compressibility of gas to achieve the action of the spring. Such stiffness of the spring is variable, because the role in the load on the spring is increased, the the quantitative gas within the container is compressed, natural increase stiffness; contrary. Load is reduced, the reduction in pressure, the stiffness of the spring naturally reduced. From the classification point of view.  Air spring and oil and gas spring two gas springs, air springs can be divided into the capsule spring and membrane spring. 
There are two types of damping adjustable shock, a hydraulic damper, an inflatable shock absorber. Common hydraulic variable damping shock absorber electromagnetic hydraulic shock absorber, it is detected by the ECU to the need to "harden" makes electromagnetic liquid particles energized by the disorder to the neatly arranged, because the relative particle pole relationship difficult to compress compression, damping, it is hard; Similarly, if it is "softened" ECU cancel energized instructions will let the electromagnetic liquid particles lose their magnetism again, damping becomes smaller, and at this time will be very soft. 
The air suspension system uses sensors to detect cars traveling the state. For example, when the left turn of the vehicle, the body under the action of centrifugal force For tilted to the right, then the ECU will be collected and processed by the data of the various sensors, to issue control instructions to the front and rear solenoid  valves, so that the outer wheel of the air spring pneumatic so that the inside wheel of the air spring is deflated, i.e. opposite to the body roll force, to resist the vehicle body roll.

